09 Maret 2025

Participatory-based Mapping as an Approach for Marine and Coastal Community in Protecting and Strengthening their Aquatic Culture

Mutmainnah, Mutmainnah1; Wahyuni, Ira Rizky2; Alfian, Alfian 3

mutmainnaha@old.komunitasteras.org1, ira_ryski@uinsgd.ac.id2, alfianlawi@old.komunitasteras.org3

1Komunitas Teras, Jl. Konasara No. 4, Kelurahan Bonggoeya, Kendari


Abstract. Indonesia Government in 2014 stated that coastal and small islands natural resources are protected, conserved, and managed together by local government and local communities to take an active role toward it to support the livelihood of its communities. This is such an outstanding step taken by the Government, given the fact that every local community has its local wisdom and culture in protecting their marine and coastal area. Regarding the local community-based management, one of the obstacles that occur in its local community is identifying its managed potential area. To overcome the problem, the local community needs to be able to map their potential resources and local wisdom in managing it. This is program-based action research aims to prove that the participatory mapping conducted by the local communities in the small island such as Binongko is one of the effective approaches to support and strengthen the marine and coastal area, as well as their local wisdom.


Keywords: Action Research, small island, participatory mapping, marine protection, local community

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